Upper Haugh Cricket Club Partnership

Rawmarsh St Josephs are delighted to confirm that we’ve come to an agreement with our friends and neighbours at Upper Haugh Cricket Club to host their Third Team games at Stubbin starting next Season 2021.

This partnership continues the clubs recent development and aligns perfectly to our ambition of becoming the sporting hub for our local community.… Read the rest

Lockdown 2

Sadly Lockdown 2 isn’t the amazing film sequel that we were all waiting for in 2020. No, it’s further COVID restrictions announced by the government on Saturday evening.

Following a short period of consultation, the Football Association have announced that non-elite football will stop from Thursday 5th November and not re-start any earlier than Wednesday 2 December 2020.… Read the rest

NHS Track and Trace

Recently the governemt updated their guidance re track and trace, specifically the use of QR Codes. This guidance was sent to our club by the Football Association (FA) with a deadline to implement of 24 September 2020. The full guidance from the FA is in the link below but in summary our club;

  1. must maintain records of all visitors to KCM Arena
  2. must register for and display the official NHS QR Code
  3. continue to follow other guidance to minimise the spread of COVID-19

Failure to comply will result in Government issued fines.… Read the rest

Advertise with us

The club are delighted to announce that this coming season we are offering local companies the opportunity to advertise at our home ground.

A number of different packages are available and we’d like to hear from any company who would like to advertise with us.… Read the rest


You may have noticed when posting on social media the club uses the hashtag #oneclub. We’ve had a few enquiries on what this means and why the club uses this hashtag so we spoke to Shane, our under 14’s manager to find out why.… Read the rest